Nirmala Sitharaman, the Union Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs, delivered a powerful keynote address at the FICCI Ladies Organisation (FLO) event held in Chennai on Wednesday.
The event, titled “Women Rising: The Unseen Barriers in Power, Politics & Otherwise,” focused on the challenges and barriers that women face in various spheres of life and leadership.
In her speech, Sitharaman highlighted the various polices that have been put in place, by the Government, to empower and uplift women, not just in cities, but at the grassroot levels.
She said that during the G20 summit, other countries were looking up to India, in Digitilisation, Economic Growth, Women led Development and Gender/Women Dividend. She spoke about the 300 ITI's across the India, that have been established to train women in various spheres, including using drones for farming.
She said this will help change the economy by making women contribute to it. She highlighted the government's commitment to addressing gender disparities and promoting women's advancement in various sectors. She said she was proud that the first bill to be passed in the new parliament was the 'Women’s Reservation Bill'.
Sitharaman also discussed the role of mentorship, education and support networks in empowering women to break through the invisible ceilings that hinder their progress. She was insistent that men were no different to women when it came to emotions, just that men have been in the frontline longer than women and so with more exposure this will also change for women.
Sitharaman invited FICCI FLO to play a leading role to initiate and empower more women into AI (Artificial Intelligence). Her insights provided valuable perspectives on how both public and private sectors can contribute to creating a more equitable landscape for women.
The FICCI FLO Chennai event was a significant platform for raising awareness and driving actionable change towards achieving gender parity.
The event, held under the leadership of Divya Abhishek, Chairperson for the term 2024-2025, proved to be an insightful experience for members and guests.
Under the visionary leadership of CMA Divya Abhishek, FICCI FLO Chennai continues to champion the cause of women empowerment and professional excellence. Divya Abhishek's remarkable achievements, including her role as the youngest Chairperson of the Southern India Regional Council of The Institute of Cost Accountants of India, reflect her commitment to driving positive change and fostering inclusive economic growth.
This event, like many others before, exemplified FICCI FLO Chennai's continued dedication to providing women with opportunities for skill development, networking, and advocacy. Through dialogue, partnership, and policy reform, FICCI FLO Chennai continues to remain at the forefront of empowering women and shaping the business landscape in India.
(This is a press release by FICCI FLO Chennai.)