Choices create confusion

BANGALORE: Actually, there are only two approaches… one of the ego and the other of innocence. The ego wants to go on achieving while innocence is enjoining one to see the miracle of life and
Choices create confusion
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3 min read

BANGALORE: Actually, there are only two approaches… one of the ego and the other of innocence. The ego wants to go on achieving while innocence is enjoining one to see the miracle of life and participate in it. One is a thinker who goes on asking questions while the other goes on ingesting the answers God has given. For example, a thinker, when he gets into the garden and sees a red rose, asks why the rose is red, whereas the other just sees the magic of the red rose.

Learn the way of seeing the miracle of what is, of enjoying what is, participating in the glory of the lord and out of that space, ask your questions, and out of that space learn to achieve whatever you want to achieve. Your life should come out of joy and not for joy.

Should I accept change or resist change?

Any change is seen or perceived only when there is a changeless principle. So learn to see the beauty of both change and the changeless in the backdrop when change happens. It is not a question of acceptance or resistance, it is the challenge of you being able to see what is and flow with what is out of intelligence. You should be able to be at home with what is. That is possible when you enjoy what is.

So the question is, can you enjoy what is rather than getting lost in acceptance and resistance? The word yoga is beautiful which means to be united, to join. Why does a relationship go through struggle? First, learn to enjoy the struggle. Second, make the struggle sacred. You may ask, how does one enjoy the struggle? I will give a counter question… don’t we enjoy a good, tiring exercise? You enjoy it since you have decided to enjoy it and then in a tiring exercise you find joy.

Similarly, decide to enjoy your struggle and the commitment to enjoy will open up inner doors of joy in you. How does one make the struggles sacred? See the fact that God gives us problems to humble us and not to tumble us. See that God is giving these difficulties for our spiritual upliftment. This attitude will make you feel sacred. Like, when you sacrifice something for the country, you feel great, so too, think that God has given you these difficulties to uplift you. In the mundane world all our relationships are based on money or power or greed or a combination of all of them. They don’t give us fulfillment.

Let your relationship be based on giving and dropping your ego and see how fulfilling it is. There is an expression, “Whenever God gives, He does not give to you but through you.” Just be a channel for love to flow.

If you are not sharing, you will miss the gift and joy of giving. The joy of giving is a sacred feeling. A wise man is one who renounces desiring and starts sharing.

Can you give me some good advice?

There are two modes. One is the outgoing mode and the other is the incoming mode. The outgoing mode is action and the incoming mode is the ability to receive. When you have to earn money, you have to be in the outgoing mode and when you have to receive grace, you should be in the incoming mode.

Learn both these modes and integrate them wisely.

The more you know how to receive grace, the more you will be silent and relaxed. You will learn to trust existence. Out of that silence and trust when you act, then your action will be an extension of silence and trust.

Then your outgoing mode becomes an expression of the incoming mode. A mystical synergy happens between both of them. In Sanskrit it is called a mandala. Then, both these modes support and energize each other.

When you look at the stars you know how to absorb them deeply, when you see the birds you will know how to draw in their energy. A mystical connection happens between the outer and the inner.

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