Birth control options women should know

Words such as sex, abortion, and birth control always create  controversy.
Birth control options women should know
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2 min read

BENGALURU: Words such as sex, abortion, and birth control always create  controversy. Although the primary goal of birth control is to prevent pregnancy, this isn’t the only reason you can be taking the pill. You may wonder, “Which strategy will work best for me and my lifestyle?”, “Which strategy is the most effective at preventing STIs?”, “How about the ease of use?”, “Are there any possible adverse effects?”, “How successful will it be?”

While choosing safer sex and contraceptive alternatives, there are a number of factors to consider. Changes in relationships, age, health, financial security, and lifestyle may change approaches.

Internal Condoms
Internal condoms are latex-free, hormone-free polyurethane pouches worn inside the vaginal opening. They also reduce the risk of pregnancy and STI transmission significantly. You can protect yourself from STI transmission and unplanned pregnancy even if your partner refuses to use a condom. It reclaims control of the vaginal area.

External Condoms
When it comes to birth control, the rubber is a classic. An external condom is a bag that goes over the penis during intercourse to catch any fluid (for example, pre-ejaculate, come, semen) out of the penis. The  external condom has a dual purpose of preventing STIs and unplanned pregnacy. Because they come in latex and non-latex varieties, there’s little chance of an allergic reaction.

Copper Intrauterine Device (IUD)
An IUD made of copper is a little device with a fine copper wire wrapped around a plastic frame. It prevents conception by being implanted inside the uterus. The IUD is threaded with a tiny nylon thread that passes past the cervix and into the top end of the vagina. Copper IUDs are 99 per cent efficient at preventing pregnancy and can last up to 10 years (depending on the type). If implanted when you are 40 years old or older, they can be used for contraception until menopause.

Oral Contraceptive Pill
The oral contraceptive pill is the most often reported method of contraception. It’s a small tablet that you take once a day. The combo pill contains estrogen and progestin, whereas the tiny tablet contains progestin. The tablet has numerous advantages, but it is critical to remember to take it on time. The pill offers many benefits, including being highly effective when used correctly, allowing sexual spontaneity and not interfering with sex, and, in some cases, reducing heavy and painful periods and having a favourable effect on acne. Only a doctor’s prescription is required to receive the pill, so make an appointment with your local doctor or sexual health clinic.

Birth control pills are safe, but like others, these medicines might be risky and have side effects. Your doctor will help you figure out if the pill is safe for you. (The writer is senior consultant - gynaecologist & reproductive medicine, Bannerghatta Road)

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