Supplemental booklets to reach schools in ten days in Karnataka

He said a temporary five-member committee had been formed to formulate the booklet, which will now be available on the public domain by next week.
Primary and Secondary Education Minister  Madhu Bangarappa
Primary and Secondary Education Minister Madhu Bangarappa
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BENGALURU: Primary and Secondary Education Minister Madhu Bangarappa said the distribution of supplemental booklets, containing changes to the textbooks, will be delivered within ten days.

Speaking to reporters, the minister reiterated that the changes are not major, rather just reversing changes made by the previous textbook revision committee, headed by Rohith Chakrathirtha. “A lot of the changes made are information that is already there that has been manipulated.

We have just reintroduced the changes from the year before the revisions, nothing else. In the interest of children, we are taking a decision to change certain chapters, if not completely, then by words and sentences. What we have done is to add a supplementary, which will not be a big burden on the education department, which will cost roughly Rs 10-12 lakh,” he said.

He said a temporary five-member committee had been formed to formulate the booklet, which will now be available on the public domain by next week. “It will reach all teachers in the 74,000 schools under the department. The booklets will not include major chapter changes. Those will be included on the education department website with more details. A five-member committee has been formulated to undertake these changes. By Monday, these changes will also be added to the public domain on the website,” he said.

Further, he said this is the least that can be done in the current academic year since books have already been distributed. The changes are limited only to Class 6 to 10 Kannada language and Social Studies textbooks. “By one week, or less than ten days, this will reach all schools. Currently, work is ongoing to print these booklets and send them out as soon as possible,” he said.

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