BENGALURU: In a tragic incident, a 37-year-old cab driver died by suicide by hanging at his residence due to depression and financial stress on Sunday afternoon, after which his 73-year-old mother passed away on hearing the news of her son’s death.
The deceased has been identified as Arun Kumar T, a resident of Kaveri Pura in Kamakshipalya.
The police stated that Kumar had debts and was in depression. He hanged himself around 12.30 pm on Sunday at his residence. Kumar left a death note mentioning that he was depressed due to his mother’s bad health and debts. His mother Saraswati, who had been bedridden due to a spinal cord problem from last one year, passed away at their residence after hearing the news of her son’s death.
Based on a complaint by Arun Kumar’s elder brother Kiran Kumar, the Kamakshipalya police have registered a case of unnatural death.
If you are having suicidal thoughts, or are worried about a friend or need emotional support, someone is always there to listen. Call Sneha Foundation - 04424640050, Tele Manas - 14416 (available 24x7) or Call, the Tata Institute of Social Sciences’ helpline - 02225521111, which is available Monday to Saturday from 8 am to 10 pm.