BENGALURU: Karnataka Infrastructure Minister MB Patil on Tuesday pulled up Larsen & Toubro (L&T) Ltd, which has been awarded contracts for two corridors of the Rs 15,767-crore Bengaluru Suburban Rail Project (BSRP). He felt the project would not commence operations as promised by August next year going by the present pace of work.
Taking part in a review meet at Khanija Bhavan with the project implementing agency, Karnataka Rail Infrastructure Development Enterprises (K-RIDE) and L&T officials, Patil expressed his dissatisfaction with the lack of expected progress. “We have promised the public that the first train operation will start by August 2025. However, given the current pace of work, this seems doubtful,” Patil said.
Referring to the Benniganahalli to Chikkabanavar (Mallige Line) stretch of the 148-km project, the minister pointed out that, so far, only 28% of the physical progress and 22% of the financial progress has been achieved. “At this rate, it is impossible to complete the project within the stipulated time,” he said.
The project completion deadline will not be extended under any circumstances, the minister warned and directed the officials to work round-the-clock to ensure the project is completed within deadline.
According to the schedule, a minimum of 55 U-girders, 22 piers, and 42 I-girders should be constructed each month. “This requires a minimum expenditure of Rs 54 crore per month. However, the current spending is only Rs 9 crore, which is far too low,” he said.
The minister noted that only Rs 86 crore in terms of financial progress has been achieved so far, whereas it should have touched Rs 459 crore.
“If the situation does not improve, strict action will be taken against the contractor firm, and any losses due to delays will be recovered from the contractor,” Patil cautioned.
He also called for expediting work on the only other line for which the contract has been awarded the Heelalige-Rajanukunte (Corridor-4 or Kanaka Line) line. “So far, 65% of the utility shifting work related to electricity connections, drainage pipes, etc., has been completed. Additionally, a site has been identified for setting up a girder construction yard (workshop), and the construction of bridges has started,” he added.
K-RIDE MD N Manjula and the Minister’s Technical Adviser Aravinda Galagali were present.