Know the ways of your mind

If life is a beautiful fabric in the process of being woven, the weft and the warp sometimes get into knots called problems. If you need to see a smooth fabric in the end, then there is a need
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If life is a beautiful fabric in the process of being woven, the weft and the warp sometimes get into knots called problems. If you need to see a smooth fabric in the end, then there is a need to resolve the problematic issues of life. If you consider the problem areas, it is the same for all. The primary issue is health. There are problems related to physical fitness, ill health, frequent sickness and disease. If that is your big thing, then make it your focus for the next 21 days.

How do you go about setting the weaving into place? Observe the difficult zones and accept it first. Denial creates more trouble as you have not even faced the issue first. If obesity is the issue, accept it. Yes, I need to be slim, fit and healthy. Excess fat should dissolve into the river of life and not be hoarded in me! Love your body as it is right now and be grateful about it. Gratitude is the first step you should take if you want to set things right.

Observe and assess yourself, appreciate and be grateful. Once you have accepted that you have got an issue to resolve, devote time to arrive at the solution. If you focus on the problem (in this case it’s obesity), you bring in more problems. Your mind is like a muscle which is easily fattened by your thoughts, that eventually become words.

So first, begin with your thoughts, sit with your eyes closed and read your thoughts about health, looks and fitness. You can write them down as and when they come. Make a list of all the negative points. If you want to make a list of all the positive points for yourself to see, the mind is not going to allow you to do so.

When there’s a choice between “I’m sick” and “I’m healthy,” the mind will  opt for the first thought immediately. While you jot down what you should not be listing, erase it and write the opposite of what you had written earlier. For example, if obesity is not something you want, cancel it  and write, “I’m slim, trim, fit and healthy” instead. Repeat this process. The mind will automatically re-organise itself and will soon begin to cultivate healthy habits.

If you begin to run, jog, walk, play games, practice yoga, laugh a lot, watch your diet – know that it’s all a process that is taking place because you decided to change your mind.

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