When all things are crystal clear

If you’re looking for some alternative healing, you better not miss this! Founders of Avaesa, a crystal shop talk about their metaphysical journey
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CHENNAI: It wasn’t a dim, dingy, hole-in-the-wall crystal shop that one would presume, but the decor was brilliant, with over 145 varieties of crystals on display in its different forms. Avaesa is Chennai’s one-stop showroom for all your metaphysical needs - from crystals to sacred geometry goods.

On entering the showroom, City Express finds a huge statue of Buddha sitting under his tree, and writings on the wall behind the cashier that says: Let us journey together, awaken and reconnect our authentic selves. Five friends, Gayathri Kandheri, Koushalya R, Swarnamuki Ganesan, Ramithra Mohandass and Varghese M came together to setup Avaesa in March. 

“We are all from different corporate fields on a meta-physical journey. I am not a rebel but I seek for answers. Meditation, alternative healing brought some understanding. We are still learning and I believe crystals are the tool to help us realise what we want,” says Swarnamuki who has her own mini collection of stones at home and a tumbled rose quartz in her bag.

Most customers who visit the store are people who are already into alternative healing, or ones who are just curious but clueless. “When people step in out of curiosity, I first tell them what crystals are and what they do. I ask them to pick anything that’s calling out to them. It’s energy; so one can sense it. Sometimes, you pick a stone for a reason,” she adds.

“For example, I have been trying to clean my room for the past five months. I know I’m not organised so I picked up Flourite that helps one focus. There are two ways to look at this. One, you believe that these ores that come from the Earth have certain properties that help you metaphysically and two, you may consider the crystal as a reminder to what the purpose is,” explains Ramithra, who has been studying this science for over seven years.

The owners add that they make no tall claims to change lives, but merely provide tools to enrich them. Apart from crystals they have geometry goods, crystal jewellery, tarot and oracle cards, gem elixers and intent stones. “It’s not just about selling tools. We want to create a meta-physical community and help each other grow by sharing ideas and stories. We will conduct meditation, mindfulness, healing modalities and self empowerment,” says Ramithra. Crystals are a good beginning as they clean your aura.

They get their rocks shipped from Jaipur, Ghaziabad, Pune, and Mumbai and also from abroad like the amethyst caves in Brazil. The smallest tumbled crystal costs `40 and the most expensive rocks costs `23,000.

We all need a little boost in our lives and crystals offer that personal push and keep you protected from negative energies.

To find your own favourite rock, check out the collection at Avaesa, Rutland Gate, Thousand Lights. For details call 7358999925

Programme your Crystal

Step 1: Cleanse the crystal of its previously stored or residual energy by burying it in the ground for a while, basking it in sunlight/moonlight or cleaning it under running tap water.

Step 2: Hold your crystal while freeing your mind of unnecessary thoughts and decide the purpose of your crystal clearly.

Step 3: Say a prayer or affirmation, and state your intention aloud. Be clear and precise on what you want

Step 4: Keep repeating it until you intuitively feel that the vibrations have been absorbed by the crystals.

Popular Uses

1. Healing (chakra, reiki, crystal, pranic healing)

2. Meditation

3. Spas/massages

4. Decor

5. Feng shui

6. Gem elixirs

7. Crystal grinding

8. Divination tools

9. Gemstones/jewellery

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