Here is a series of spinal twists with different leg postures to keep the spine supple and energised. Do not go for this if you had a spine surgery
Merudanda means twisting the spine. Many to-and-fro messages pass through the spine so we must keep it active and moving. Merudandasan is a series of spinal twists with different leg positions. We are looking at one today. “Twists are contortions that remove distortions”, so said an old Yoga teacher to me once
STEPS : Lie down on the floor on your back with your legs parallel, arms outstretched perpendicular to the body- palms down on the floor. Next fold your left knee and place the left foot on the right thigh above the knee joint with the left toes pointing to and almost touching the right knee cap. Now twist your pelvis to the right so that your left knee moves towards the floor on the right. (The left foot should never leave its place from the right knee.) Your lower spine has now followed the tilt of the pelvis to the right. As this happens, look over your left shoulder to provide a counter twist to the upper spine to the left. Hold for 30-45 seconds with normal breathing. Try maintaining the shoulder down. Release the leg and come back to the midline. Switch the leg and repeat on the other side.
As the lower body twists to one side the opposite shoulder will have a tendency to lift off the floor.
Relax and rest in Shavasan.
This pose gives a nice twist to the spine thus improving blood circulation. The gentle twisting keeps
the spine supple and energised.
Doctor’s approval is necessary in case of spinal injury or chronic ailments.
(Anshu Vyas Seetharaman is a yoga and fitness trainer at Sri Aurobindo Society, Bengaluru)