CHENNAI: The Madras High Court has directed Chennai Corporation, court appointed amicus curiae, senior counsel for Chennai Metro Rail (CMRL) and its officials to visit Thiru Vi Ka Park in Shenoy Nagar and Nehru Park to assess improvements and maintenance, and submit an action taken report (ATR) by September 2.
It has also sought a report on the restoration measures planned for Panagal Park, where CMRL work is presently under way. Justice M Dhandapani directed necessary steps to be taken to implement the recommendations made by the district green committee with regard to improving and maintaining the greenery in these parks.
Both Nehru Park and Thiru Vi Ka Park parks were shut down for many years due to CMRL work. They were reopened after inordinate delay. However, there have been complaints that the parks were not restored properly after the work. The court was presently hearing a petition filed by a residents association.
Apart from these two parks, the court directed CMRL to file a report on the number and varieties of trees that were in Panagal Park prior to construction and the number of trees that have been felled.
Directing CMRL to spell out the extent of land that would be returned back to the corporation after completion of works, the court added the inspection at Panagal Park should be completed on or before August 21 to identify restoration plans, and a report should be submitted on the next date of hearing.