CHENNAI: MKB Nagar police arrested five auto drivers for allegedly beating a history-sheeter to death inside a house near Vyasarpadi on Monday over previous enmity. Police identified the suspects as G Vadivel (38), S Balaji (30), K Jaishankar (42), A Arun Kumar (37) and V Balamurugan (37).
“On Monday, the deceased, S Aasaithambi (36), who had some dispute with the group over the past few months, entered into an argument with the auto drivers. As things heated up, they started chasing him and Aasaithambi ran into the house of a woman, his acquaintance.
The gang barged in and attacked him with beer bottles, wooden logs and boulders. They fled when Aasaithambi collapsed,” a police source said. Police filed a case and arrested the five men. Further investigation is underway.