CHENNAI: Devotion and cultural fervour, brought together devotees from across the city to honour Lord Krishna’s birth at Shree Geeta Bhavan Trust on Tuesday. The celebration was held at the Geeta Bhavan Hall and was graced by Justice Anita Sumanth of the High Court of Madras, who served as the chief guest. She expressed the emotional connection she has with the city and the spiritual significance of the festival. “I can’t think of what could be more special than this celebration itself,” she said.
The programme began at with a cow puja conducted by Krishnamurthi Sastrigal. The inauguration of the Krishnavatar exhibition by the chief guest was the highlight of the evening. The exhibition featured intricate displays depicting various episodes from Lord Krishna’s life. Justice Anita shared her nostalgic memories of growing up in Madras, recalling how exhibitions similar to the one organised by Shree Geeta Bhavan Trust had been a significant part of her childhood. “This is the 34th year of Shree Geeta Bhavan Trust’s celebrations. When I was a child, we used to see an exhibition similar to this. I am very grateful for this opportunity. I thoroughly enjoyed the exhibition. The faces are so expressive. There is consistency in Krishna’s face. There are many scenes from Krishna’s life,” she said.
Following the inauguration, Manu Goel, managing trustee, delivered the welcome address. The evening continued with a felicitation ceremony, where Justice Anita distributed prizes to the winners of various school competitions, celebrating the talents of young students who participated in contests themed around Krishna Janmashtami. Om Prakash Modi, chairman, Shree Geeta Bhavan Trust, Murarilal Sonthalia, treasurer and other members of the trust, also attended the event.
Devotional songs, bhajans, and cultural performances, Sri Krishna Janmotsav and Thakurji ka Vivah, were presented by Ujjwal Khakoliya and Group from Nagpur, along with special performances by artistes from Kolkata. The Aarti, pooja, and prasad distribution marked the climax of the evening’s events. Devotees joined in the prayers, offering their love and devotion to the deity, and partaking in the festivities. Shiv Kumar Goenka, trustee, Shree Geeta Bhavan Trust, delivered the vote of thanks.
Justice Anita also emphasised the spiritual significance of Krishna Janmashtami, She said, “Krishna Janmashtami is not just a religious festival. It has deep spiritual significance to us. To many of us, Krishna is unique. What we learn when we are children is what stays with us.” The celebrations continued the next day with an abhishek of Lord Krishna and bhajan performances by Ujjwal Khakoliya & group.
The exhibition ends today. People can visit Shree Geeta Bhavan Trust, Gopalapuram, between 10 am and 10 pm.