CHENNAI: MDMK’s Kancheepuram district secretary has been arrested by Sivakanchi police in connection with the murder case of Kasthuri, a 62-year-old retired police inspector, near Kancheepuram. Police said the suspect, Valayapathi (65), was Kasthuri’s family friend. He had been helping her to sell her house reportedly worth over Rs 1 crore in Kancheepuram. Kasthuri resided alone in the house after separating from her husband many years ago.
Kasthuri’s son Kamesh, living in Dehradun, tried in vain to contact her on August 20 and the following day. He then called Valayapathi to check on his mother. Valayapathi reportedly found her dead in the house. Kamesh lodged a police complaint alleging suspicion over the death.
Inquiry revealed that Kasthuri spoke regularly to Valayapathi. CCTV footage also showed him leaving her house on August 18. He was detained on Tuesday. Police said Valayapathi was trying to convince Kasthuri to sell her house for a rate lower than the market price so that he could buy back the house from the buyer. “On August 18 night, the 65-year-old man attacked the woman over an argument regarding the house. He allegedly bashed her head against a wall,” the police source added. Valayapathi was arrested and remanded to judicial custody.