NEW DELHI: In a first, the New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) has launched a facial recognition programme through tech-based solutions.
The project launched on Thursday will be implemented by the NDMC in the Central Park situated in the high-security Lutyen’s Zone area in collaboration with a private firm.
As part of a pilot project in the capital city, the NEC Corporation India, which is originally based in Japan is helping out the NDMC with the technical know-how. The first location for the project has been chosen as Central Park situated at the iconic Connaught Place.
With the vision of a smart and safe city, two such CCTV cameras have been deployed in Central Park which will be monitored by a control room setup at NDMC recognizing possible security threats.
The company’s video surveillance system will perform real-time matching of people entering the park against the NDMC’s watch list of pre-registered individuals, which enables the NDMC to automatically identify and detect a person of interest from CCTV footage and to rapidly take appropriate action to reduce the risk of public safety threats, the NEC said in a statement.
“Central park is the emblematic heart of the country. Enhancing our technologies and infrastructure is part of our roadmap towards fulfilling our goals of becoming the global benchmark for a capital city” said NDMC chairman Naresh Kumar at the launch of the pilot project.