NEW DELHI: Chief minister’s wife Sunita Kejriwal on Thursday said she was sad that the national flag could not be hoisted at the CM residence with Arvind Kejriwal incarcerated at Tihar Jail. In a post on X, she said, “The tricolour was not hoisted at the CM residence today. It was very sad. Dictatorship can keep an elected Chief Minister in jail, but how will it stop the patriotism in the heart?”
Former deputy chief minister Manish Sisodia also targeted the BJP-led central government, writting, “On the anniversary of ‘Independence from the British’, salute to that spirit, which is today imprisoned in the dictator’s jail for ‘safeguarding freedom from dictatorship’,” on X.
AAP Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh said, “Heartiest wishes to compatriots on Independence Day. CM Arvind Kejriwal, who made this dream come true in Delhi that education and health should be better, electricity, water, and bus travel for mothers and sisters should be free, is in jail on Independence Day... Jail cannot break our resolve.”
On the occasion, the AAP launched a campaign ‘Desh Azad, Loktantra Jail Mein’ (Country is free, but democracy in jail), against Kejriwal’s “undemocratic” incarceration.