NEW DELHI: AAP Rajya Sabha MP Sandeep Pathak on Wednesday approached the Delhi High Court, contesting the prison authorities’ decision to prevent him from meeting Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in jail. Pathak labeled the move as “arbitrary, illegal, and completely unjustified.”
Previously, Pathak was granted permission to meet Kejriwal twice in April. However, his recent request was declined by jail officials, who cited alleged violations of prison regulations stemming from politically charged statements Pathak made following his earlier visits with the chief minister.
Representing the prison administration, authorities argued before the court that Pathak had deliberately breached prison protocols by disclosing details of his conversations with Kejriwal to the media. They maintained that due to his past conduct, granting him further physical meetings, referred to as “mulakat,” would not be appropriate.
Justice Neena Bansal Krishna, after hearing partial arguments from both sides, scheduled the matter for deliberation on Thursday. The court requested that the jail authorities submit the official order that prohibited Pathak from meeting Kejriwal.
Senior advocate Rahul Mehra, appearing on behalf of Pathak, told the court that while three individuals had been authorised to visit Kejriwal, currently only two were exercising that privilege. He said that Pathak’s exclusion was unjustified.
Kejriwal is currently held in Tihar Jail. In his plea, Pathak sought a directive compelling jail authorities to permit him physical visitation and interviews with Kejriwal.