NEW DELHI: Candidates from the AAP, BJP, and Congress on Friday filed their nominations for the zonal level ward committee elections with the Municipal Secretary. The ruling AAP has fielded 33 candidates in 11 of the 12 zones, barring Keshav Puram zone.
Prem Chauhan and Tilotma Chaudhary, two of the more prominent faces from the party, have filed their nomination for standing committee member from South Delhi zone, and deputy chairman of Najafgharh Zone ward committee, respectively.
The opposition BJP has fielded 30 candidates in 10 of the 12 zones for the post of chairman, deputy chairman, and standing committee member.
They have not fielded candidate from two zones – City SP and Karol Bagh. Leader of Opposition Raja Iqbal Singh is contesting for the standing committee members post from the Civil Lines Zone. He was a former Mayor of North Delhi.
The BJP has also fielded Pawan Shehrawat and Sugandha, councillors who recently switched sides from the AAP, for post of chairman for the ward committee from Narela and Central Zone.