FIITJEE, an institute for IIT-JEE training, recently announced that the FIITJEE Talent Reward Exam (FTRE) 2010 would be conducted on December 26 in over 150 test centres across India for students (from grades 5 to 11) aspiring to excel in IIT-JEE, AIEEE, AIIMS, PMT, SAT and other competitive exams. A socially responsible educational organisation, FIITJEE will help these serious aspirants realise their dreams and potential through this all-India level assessment exam.
FIITJEE will award the top performers in this Talent Reward Exam with medals, cash scholarships, fee waivers for FIITJEE programmes to encourage them to succeed in all future competitive exams. Across all categories, `60,000 to `320,000, is the first prize with 100% fee waiver, `50,000 to `280, 000, is the second prize with 100% fee waiver and `40,000 to `240, 000, is the third prize with 100% fee waiver along with a bevy of additional prizes (including tution fee waivers and hostel waivers) to be given up to the top 500 performers in this exam.
The schools of the top performers and their subject teachers will also be awarded trophies based on their students’ performance in individual subjects Additionally, FIITJEE has also the Zonal awards for toppers, teachers and schools.
The last date for registration for this exam is December 12, and the registration fee is `200. Students registering late (between December 13 - 23) will have to pay and extra `100. Further details and information about the registration process, test schedule, the details of syllabi and the regular FIITJEE programmes are available at www.fiitjee.
com/ftre.htm. The results of the examination will be declared and announced on www. on January 18, 2011.