Eat your way to health
KOCHI: “Your health is your best wealth,” said Naini Setalvad, a nutritionist and health consultant from Mumbai who was the chief guest of the interactive session on Healthy Snacking in Today’s Age, organised by the
International Prune Association (IPA) in association with Cochin Round Table 71. The IPA is conducting this programme for the third consecutive year in Kochi. A large number of people took part in the programme held at The Gateway Hotel, Kochi. Naini explained the benefits of eating quality food, with special emphasis on the food that are found in your surroundings. In response to the questions from the audience, she cleared the myths and doubts about food habits. “This session was very informative and through this I think I can prepare a good and healthy diet for my family. Even I had several wrong notions about various kinds of food and this session gave me a new perspective on right intake of food,” said Mary Varghese, one among the audience.
“I was 160 kg and lost nearly 100 kg in the past 14 years. This was the result of a healthy and proper diet that I followed all these years,” said Naini whose mission is to create a healthy nation through several awareness programmes. She has been conducting various talk shows on TV and radio about the ill effects of junk food. She said that a day must begin with a glass of water followed by a nutritious breakfast.
The importance of coconut for heart patients and the presence of proteins in milk were enlightening to the audience. Several home makers who participated in the interactive session said it was greatly beneficial to them.
“Intake of good quality food helps improve concentration, enhance memory and elevate moods,” said Naini. She focused on the need for educating the youth about good food habits and the factors that cause various kinds of incurable diseases and laying stress on the bad effects of carcinogen on the body. She concluded her interactive session saying that she was hopeful of returning with more information about food and diet next year.