KOCHI: Tarun Uday and S Sathyawageeswar of Bhavan's Vidya Mandir, Girinagar, have won IGNOU's interschool quiz IGNITE 2010.
Aditya Chandralal and Varun Prasad of Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Vaduthala, were the runnersup in the event which was attended by over 60 teams representing various schools in the city on Tuesday.
The quiz was held in Delhi, Kolkata, Guwahati and Bangalore and it will be held in various other cities also. The grand finale will be held in Delhi.
Addressing the students, IGNOU ViceChancellor V N Rajasekharan Pillai said the university was promoting school education in its silver jubilee year and the stress was on enhancing teacher training in schools.
Earlier, inaugurating the contest, IGNOU Kochi regional director K S Divakaran Nair said: "The idea of such events is to ignite the students' interest in higher education and make them aware of open and distance learning system."
The winners were handed over trophies, book vouchers and a gift hamper each, while the runnersup got individual trophies, book vouchers and a gift hamper ?