VIJAYAWADA: The vigilance and enforcement (V&E) has conducted surprise inspection at petrol bunks across Bhavanipuram and Gollapudi village on Tuesday. In the checks, the officials seized a petrol bunk that was being operated illegally. It was also found that many petrol bunks were not following guidelines issued by the Union Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas.
According to V&E DSP Vijay Paul, the petrol bunk, known as Tirumala HP Fuel Filling Station, was given to one Lakshmi under the freedom fighter quota, which was presently being operated by Kodali Bharat and Karunakar. Officials believed the duo might have purchased the bunk from Lakshmi.
“If anybody wants to buy a petrol bunk from an existing owner, they should approach the concerned oil merchant. In this case, they did not approach the Hindustan Petroleum,” he said. V&E, along with Legal Metrology and Civil Supplies officials, conducted the inspections jointly.