KOCHI: The Kochi zonal unit of the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) on Tuesday destroyed narcotic substances weighing 2,700kg, which were seized during the past three years. The drugs were destroyed through incineration at the Kerala Enviro Infrastructure Ltd (KEIL) premises in Ambalamedu after completing the legal procedure.
The Narcotics Control Bureau seized 199.445kg of heroin in October 2022 and 2525.675kg of Methamphetamine Hydrochloride in May 2023. In both cases, the drugs were found to be sourced from Iran. Seven Iranian nationals were arrested in connection with the same.
A High-Level Drug Disposal Committee (HLDDC) comprising NCB deputy director general (southern region), zonal director Kochi and Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) deputy director Kochi was constituted to consider these cases for pre-trial disposal as per the guidelines laid down by the Supreme Court.
An initial meeting convened by the HLDDC had recommended both cases fit for pre-trial disposal. After completion of all legal formalities, the seized drugs were destroyed through incineration.