Your choice of flooring is one of the most important decisions you have to make when it comes to improving your home. With the advent of new technologies, floors can now be made more tough and safe yet stylish. Like, for instance, laminate floors, which are a good option for Indian weather conditions as they are 100 per cent maintenance free.
These are value for money because they look good, they last, and they are affordable. Which is why they are quickly becoming one of the most popular flooring choices today. Not only are they easy to clean and scratch-resistant, they are also a great floor for people who own dogs and other clawed beasts.
As far as aesthetics goes, choosing the right colour laminate for your room, is very vital. The floor is often a factor that ties a room’s look together. So, take into deliberation the colour of the furniture in that particular room. Also, be sure that the colour you choose for that room can cope with the amount of traffic that the floor will have.
You should also consider the placement of the laminates when picking the colour. Choosing the wrong colour or the wrong finish can detract from this decorative harmony. For example, light-coloured laminate floors are not suited for areas where there is going to be a lot of foot traffic because there is the increased likelihood of scratching and soiling.
Rustic colours and dark shades are the popular colours in wooden floorings in India as well as abroad. As for the pattern, what’s trending big right now is the herringbone pattern. Truly, with laminate, any room can be transformed with a beautiful new floor, and improving the ambience in any room adds to the overall appeal of your home. The writer is CEO, Pergo Pvt Ltd