New encounters are not interference but spark to your love life

More and more couples are warming up to the idea of having an affair, even leading psychologists extol its benefits in various platforms.
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Image for representational purpose
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3 min read

NEW DELHI: As we move to an era of advancement, we are turning back the clock in terms of evaluating human relationships. Gone are the days of warmth and enticement as laptops and digital devices replace traditional modes of communication.

We prefer sending a banal ‘I love you’ instead of talking about how we feel. These have somewhere made us cold and practical in dealing with emotions, including the daily interactions with our significant others.

Countless couples often complain of losing the “spark” in their relationship as they progress with time. While one might say that time is a great healer, these same properties might lead warm, affectionate couples to get too caught up in the vagaries of life and loose charm in the way.

Surprised? Don’t be; as more and more couples are warming up to the idea of having an affair- even leading psychologists extol its benefits in various platforms.

Here are a few reasons, listed by Solene Paillet, head of communication management of Gleeden, as to why new encounter can kick start a flagging relationship:

- New encounters can bring very positive things to the couple's life. There are opportunities to make new experiences, to break the routine and to spice up daily life. Additional avenues emerge as you look at your relationship beyond that of the earlier rose tinted glasses.

- Making new encounters are a way to feel attractive again and regain self-confidence. Flagging relationships often lack the zing needed to reignite the fire, stemming from familiarity and lack of confidence. This whole new confidence has also an impact on the couple as when you have confidence in yourself, you feel seductive and more irresistible!

- New encounters put you in a new state of mind, making you want flaunt yourself in the best light. This kind of attitude is contagious to affection and will push the partner to apply the same efforts for you, making it a win-win situation.

- New encounters flatter your ego as it comes with the desire to seduce and to feel loved. It helps you develop better skills as a lover and leads to satisfaction of self and partner. You feel more in tune to your partner’s desires and become eager to complete that.

- New encounters can lead to a new feel altogether. A partner who has a blossoming and radiant spouse will realise how lucky he is and how his relationship is precious and need to be taken care of. It increases the competitive streak of the other as he/she realises that you are desirable and hence applies extra efforts to win you.

- New encounters are also a way to fill a gap in the couple. It is a way to reconnect with something missing in the relationship: communication, tenderness, affection, laughter. Once the lack is fulfilled, it gives the relationship a new opportunity to start on the right foot.

- The rate of intimacy increases with new encounters – the spouse gets filled with a newer zeal to inject fresher life into the relationship. Both you and your spouse understand the importance of each other and get to work accordingly.

- Newer encounters often turn out to be the litmus test of your relationship- it shows you whether your partner is a short sprinter or is he/she there forth the longer haul. It also brings out the inadequacies and helps both become vocal about them.

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