KOLKATA: The West Bengal government on Wednesday reshuffled the cabinet by allocating additional departments to some ministers. While Babul Supriyo was given the IT, Public Enterprise & Industrial Reconstruction Department, Manas Ranjan Bhunia took over as the Irrigation Minister. Md Ghulam Rabbani got the Renewable & Non-Conventional Department and Chandrima Bhattacharya was handed over the Environment in addition to her Finance department.
According to sources, the state government was unable to make the reshuffle for quite a while as the file was lying at the Raj Bhavan. On July 18, the Mamata government sent a letter to the Governor regarding the rejig. Even on August 3, the state government sources claimed that no response was received from the Raj Bhavan.
Earlier, the state’s Parliamentary Affairs minister, Sobhandeb Chattopadhyay, is learnt to have told the media that the Governors should cooperate and help the state discharge its administrative duties, but in case of the BJP government, the Governors are creating unnecessary conflict to inconvenience the state.