At least four people were injured on Tuesday after an SUV driver, deliberately rammed his vehicle twice into another car in Maharashtra's Thane district. A video of the incident, which has since gone viral, shows a black SUV repeatedly crashing into another vehicle on a busy road.
In the footage, the black SUV is seen colliding with a white SUV. The driver then takes a U-turn and strikes the white SUV head-on, causing injuries to at least four individuals.
A report by India Today states that the incident was triggered by an argument between the man driving the black SUV and his wife. After other family members intervened and decided to take the woman and the couple's child with them, the enraged man deliberately rammed his car into the SUV they were in.
The incident reportedly occurred while the mother and child were seated in the backseat of the Fortuner.
No case had been registered till late at night, an official of Ambernath police said to news agency PTI.
Aggressive driving on Indian roads has led to a worrying rise in violent road rage incidents across the country.
There has also been an alarming rise of hit-and-run cases in Maharashtra. Last week in Mumbai, an auto-rickshaw driver was tragically killed while sleeping on Versova Beach after being run over. Another fatal incident occurred in Worli, where a luxury car struck a scooter. Additionally, Pune witnessed a shocking hit-and-run involving a Porsche driven by a minor, further highlighting the urgent need for stricter enforcement and public awareness to curb this growing menace.