coalitionKobane (Syria), Oct 14 (AFP) Dozens of Islamic Stategroup fighters have surrendered over the past day in theirone-time bastion Raqa, the US-led coalition backing theoffensive on the Syrian city said today.
"Within the past 24 hours, approximately 100 ISISterrorists have surrendered in Raqa, and were removed from thecity," the coalition said in an emailed statement to AFP.
"Foreign fighters are not being allowed to leave Raqa,"it said.
Earlier today, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory forHuman Rights said all Syrian IS jihadists -- numbering around200 fighters -- had left their former stronghold with theirfamilies.
"All Syrian fighters from the Islamic State group leftRaqa over the past five days," said Observatory head RamiAbdel Rahman, saying they headed to unknown destinations.
A Raqa official told AFP that Syrian IS members hadsurrendered overnight to the US-backed Syrian DemocraticForces (SDF) battling to take full control of the city,without specifying how many.
"They sent a message to the Raqa Civil Council and to thetribal mediators," the official said.
"Those that surrendered are local, not foreigners -- theforeigners have not handed themselves in yet," he said.
Members of the council -- a provisional administrationfor the city set up by the SDF -- had been working with triballeaders throughout the week to try to secure safe passage forcivilians.
Hundreds of civilians have managed to flee the battle-ravaged city, which once served as the de facto Syrian capitalof the jihadist group. (AFP)NSA.
This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Press Trust of India wire.