Beijing, Oct 14 (PTI) Archaeologists in China havediscovered 800-year-old sections of city walls and gatesbelonging to a once-popular military fortress in the southwestChongqing municipality.
An archaeological dig was jointly launched at Baiditownship in February by the Cultural Heritage ResearchInstitute of Chongqing and the Cultural Relic ManagementOffice of Fengjie County.
Baidi township, located in Fengjie County, was once avery important military fortress.
Over the first six months, twenty sections of city walls,gates, defence towers and armouries have been found at thesite,state-run Xinhua news agency quoted Chongqing CulturalHeritage Research Institute as saying.
The walls and gates have been confirmed as dating fromthe Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279) to Qing Dynasty (1644-1912).
More than 300 relics, mainly iron weapons and someceramic, copper and stone artifacts, have also been unearthed,the report said.
The project has identified the layout of the town. Othersites discovered outside Baidi have shown that a completedefence system existed at that time, the institute said. PTIKJVMRJ.
This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Press Trust of India wire.