Accelerating Quality Education Through Research Scholarship

Programme - SRK Knowledge Foundation Ties-up With VNSGU(Attn.editors: The following press release comes to youunder an arrangement with PRNewswire....
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Programme - SRK Knowledge Foundation Ties-up With VNSGU(Attn.editors: The following press release comes to youunder an arrangement with PRNewswire. PTI takes noeditorial responsibility for the same).

Accelerating Quality Education Through Research ScholarshipProgramme - SRK Knowledge Foundation Ties-up With VNSGU SURAT, India, October 13, 2017/PRNewswire/ -- ShreeRamkrishna Knowledge Foundation (SRKKF), always encouragingknowledge and advanced research, strives to create plentifulopportunities for everyone to realize their dreams and achievenewer heights in professional spheres. Furthering this purposeof promoting education, under the mentorship of Shree GovindDholakia, Chairman of SRK Knowledge Foundation, SRKKF hasinitiated a 'Research Scholarship Programme' and has alsojoined hands with the largest university of South Gujarat -Veer Narmad South Gujarat University (VNSGU). The programintends to award funds to meritorious and deserving studentswho wish to do their research in various disciplines.

(Photo: )SRKKF has, in the last week of September, signed a Memorandumof Understanding (MoU) with VNSGU in the presence of Dr.

Shivendra Gupta, Vice Chancellor, VNSGU; Dr. Bhaskar M. Rawal,Pro-Vice Chancellor; Mr. A.V. Dhaduk, Registrar and otheracademicians of the university. Dr. Shivendra Gupta heartilywelcomed the alliance between SRKKF and VNSGU. He wasoptimistic about this tie-up saying that such alliances help alarge number of students to explore their dreams of pursuingPh.D. and Research.

The Research Scholarship Programme is one of the manyprominent initiatives by SRKKF. Under its aegis, SRKKF plansto encourage Ph.D. scholars and researchers who are willing toopt for exclusive research in diverse disciplines that willcontribute to the nation's development by their insightfulreach. Under this program, creative research from variousgrounds such as Science, Humanities, Art, Economics, Social,Business, Marketing, Life, Technology, etc. would be immenselyacknowledged. "We are in the process to tie-up with otherprestigious universities of Gujarat as well. Diamonds are noteverywhere; we need to identify their superlative degree,"said, Shree Govind Dholakia.

The objective of the research scholarship is to realize thedreams of those, who with their contemporary approach want toexplore and discover the curtained hypothesis. Apart fromfacilitating them financially, SRKKF would also take a keeninterest in learning the impact of their research progresswholly; with the focus being on understanding how theknowledge will benefit human society at large.

SRKKF has already started receiving online applicationsfrom research scholars of Gujarat for the scholarship. Theresearch scholarship will be made on the basis of academicmerits, quality of the research proposal, potential of thecandidate and by the impact their research work will have onthe development of society. The Foundation is thus all set tofind and produce quality researchers in future.

About Shree Ramkrishna Knowledge Foundation: Shree Ramkrishna Knowledge Foundation (SRKKF) is aculmination of the journey embarked upon, more than half acentury ago, by our Founder Chairman, Shree Govind Dholakia in1964. His focused, resilient, visionary, passionate andinnovative approach along with his belief of 'Giving back tothe Society' has inspired to setup SRKKF. Our aim includesextensive contribution in the areas of health, education,agriculture and community welfare.

For more information, please visit:

Media Contact:Shantanu ManagerSRK Knowledge FoundationSource: SRK Knowledge FoundationPRNewswireOSS.

This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Press Trust of India wire.

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