Bengal govt responsible for Darjeeling cop death, says BJP

Kolkata, Oct 14 (PTI) West Bengal BJP president DilipGhosh today held the Mamata Banerjee government responsiblefor the death of sub-inspector Amit...
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Kolkata, Oct 14 (PTI) West Bengal BJP president DilipGhosh today held the Mamata Banerjee government responsiblefor the death of sub-inspector Amitabha Malik, alleging thatit had sent police personnel "who were not properly trained"to capture GJM chief Bimal Gurung.

Ruling Trinamool Congress hit back saying Ghosh shouldrefrain from "speaking in support of" the "anti-nationals" whokilled the police officer.

Malik was killed and four other policemen were seriouslyinjured after alleged Gorkha Janmukti Morcha supporters, owingallegiance to its chief Bimal Gurung, fired at a police teamin a forest area near Darjeeling yesterday.

"The state government is responsible for the SI's death.

It is sending police personnel who do not have proper trainingto capture Gurung," Ghosh said.

He alleged that the TMC had earlier "used" Gurung and nowit wanted to eliminate him to make way for expelled GJM leaderBinay Tamang, who was made chairman of the Board ofAdministrators for the Darjeeling hills by the stategovernment.

TMC secretary general Partha Chatterjee accused Ghosh ofgiving provocative speech and said those who killed the SI andthose supporting them are "anti-nationals".

Chatterjee said the state BJP chief was speaking insupport of those who had killed the police officer. "We feelashamed of it," he said. PTI SUN RBTTIR.

This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Press Trust of India wire.

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