Jind (Hr) Oct 14 (PTI) Haryana Chief Minister ManoharLal Khattar today alleged that previous governments in thestate paid attention to only those development schemes fromwhich they could get a commission.
He claimed today that several areas in the state hadremained backward for a very long period of time and hisgovernment was working for equal development of all sectionsof the society and all parts of the state.
Khattar was addressing a public meeting here today,said an official release.
"There is no Assembly constituency in the state which hasnot been given Rs 150 to Rs 200 crore for development works.
Since the formation of Haryana state, some areas weredeveloped while others like Jind district were ignored. Now,equitable development of all areas is being done and thoseareas which have remained backward for a very long time, willget additional development works," he said.
He added that development of those constituencies whereBJP candidates had lost the election was being done indiscussion with the MLAs, whichever party they belonged to.
Khattar further said apart from monitoring developmentworks, every zila parishad will get a budget of Rs 10 crore,and every panchayat samiti Rs 2.5 crore for executingdevelopment works in their respective areas.
Taking a dig at the opposition parties, the chiefminister said if the previous governments had taken "moreinterest" in the development of the state, Haryana would havebeen a role model for its peers.
"During their tenures, the previous governments paidattention to only such development schemes as got them goodcommission and those that did not get them any cut, werestopped," he alleged.
After coming to power, the BJP government has restartedall those development projects which were closed down by theprevious governments and these will be successfully completedby all means for the benefit of the people of the state.
Gram Sachivalayas would be set up in all villages tobring people benefit of government services and schemes nearerhome. So far, Gram Sachivalayas have been set up in 1,500villages.
The CM said wi-fi facility will be made available in allvillages so that the youth can participate in the developmentof their areas by getting linked with the world.
Khattar said work on the Manesar-Kundli corridor hadbeen expedited and would be completed by December 31, 2017.
Meanwhile, in Charkhi Dadri, Khattar today directedofficers to ensure the allotment of gas connections to thosewho have applied for it, saying no negligence will betolerated in the allotment.
He ordered suspension of a district mining officer inCharkhi Dadri, for his absence in the 'Janta Darbar'.
The Chief Minister was redressing the grievances ofpeople in Janta Darbar in Charkhi Dadri today, said anofficial release.
As many as 350 grievances were redressed and directionswere issued to the concerned officers. He also directedofficials to investigate complaint of obstruction ofdevelopment works in village Paldi. PTI CHSADS.
This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Press Trust of India wire.