Amritsar, Oct 14 (PTI) Gurdwara Chhota Ghallughara trustchief, Johar Singh, today claimed that he was denied entry tothe Golden Temple by SGPC task force here today.
"I was not allowed entry by SGPC officials," Johar Singhtold mediapersons.
According to Johar Singh, SGPC officials told him that hewould not be permitted to enter in the Golden Temple to payobeisance unless he appeared before the Jathedar Akal Takhat(the highest Sikh temporal seat).
Yesterday, Johar Swas declared 'Tankhaiya' (religiouspunishment) during the meet of five Sikh head priests headedby the Jathedar Akal Takhat Giani Gurbachan Singh.
A meeting of five Sikh head priests was held at thesecretariat of Akal Takht where it was unanimously resolved todeclare Johar Singh 'Tankhaiya' (religious punishment).
The decision was taken as he failed to turn up at AkalTakht before the five Sikh head priests inspite of numerousnotices served to him, Jathedar Akal Takhat Giani GurbachanSingh had said.
Akal Takht after declaring him 'Tankhaiya' asked theSikh community for social boycott of Johar Singh unless heappeared before the Sikh high priests for atonement.
Talking to media persons, outside the Golden Temple,Johar Singh said that he would never appear before the GianiGurbachan Singh, since he had already appeared before the fiveSikh head priests led Giani Dhian Singh Mand who wereappointed Jathedar Akal Takht by the Sarbat Khalsa.
Johar was here to perform religious sewa as told by thefive parallel Sikh high priests led by Dhian Singh Mand.
Parallel Akal Takhat Jathedar Dhian Singh along withhis colleagues Jathedar Amrik Singh Ajnala and Jathedar BaljitSingh Daduwal while awarding Tankah (religious punishment) toJohar Singh, asked him to dust shoes, cleaning of utensils inLangar (community kitchen) besides asking him to listenreligious hymns for the seven days.
It may be mentioned here that a senior functionary ofthe Chhota Ghallughara trust was caught with a woman in anobjectionable position on August 11. Johar Singh being head ofthe Trust was summoned as to why action was not taken againstthat functionary. PTI COR CHS DKSADS.
This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Press Trust of India wire.