Five bills introduced in Arunachal Pradesh Assembly

Itanagar, Oct 14 (PTI) Five government bills wereintroduced in the Arunachal Pradesh Assembly today.Chief Minister Pema Khandu introduced the Arun...
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Itanagar, Oct 14 (PTI) Five government bills wereintroduced in the Arunachal Pradesh Assembly today.

Chief Minister Pema Khandu introduced the ArunachalPradesh (Re-Orgaisation of Districts) (Amendment) Bill 2017 topave way for creation of Kamle district.

Agriculture Minister Wangki Lowang introduced theArunachal Pradesh Agriculture Produce and Livestock Marketing(Promotion and Facilitation) Bill 2017 which aimed to providefor geographically restricted trade transaction of agricultureproduces including livestock across the state and the country.

It also aimed to enhance transparency in tradeoperations and price settlement mechanism, adoption ofelectronic and other innovative form of technology, to promoteemergence of multiple channels for competitive marking, agriprocessing and agriculture export.

Parliamentary Affairs Minister Bamang Felix introducedthree bills – The Arunachal Pradesh Speaker and Deputy SpeakerSalaries and Allowances (Amendment) Bill 2017, The ArunachalPradesh Salaries, Allowances of the Ministers (Amendment) Bill2017 and the Arunachal Pradesh Salaries, Allowances andPension of Members of the Legislative Assembly (Amendment)Bill 2017.

Deputy Chief Minister Chowna Mein, who also holds theFinance portfolio, laid on the table of the House the reportsof Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) on statefinances and on social, economic, general revenue and economic(PSUs) sectors for the year 2015-16. PTI UPLRG.

This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Press Trust of India wire.

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