Washington, Oct 14 (AFP) Former White House chief ofstaff Reince Priebus submitted to questioning by investigatorslooking into Russian meddling in the US presidential campaignand possible collusion by associates of President DonaldTrump, US media reported.
Politico and the Washington Post quoted Priebus's lawyerWilliam Burck as saying the interview with members of SpecialCounsel Robert Mueller's team yesterday was voluntary.
"He was happy to answer all of their questions," Burcksaid.
Priebus himself did not comment but Politico said he hadbeen preparing for several weeks for the interview.
Trump has not been accused of any wrongdoing, butMueller's team has shown interest in the president's firing offormer FBI director James Comey over his Russia probe,according to the reports.
Other areas of interest are reportedly Trump's eldestson's meeting with a Kremlin-linked lawyer during the campaignand Trump's meetings at the White House with Russianofficials.
Priebus participated in meetings where Comey's firing wasdiscussed, and played a key role in the White House as well asduring the campaign as head of the Republican NationalCommittee. (AFP) HMBCPS.
This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Press Trust of India wire.