In name of stubble burning, Pb govt harassing farmers: AAP

Chandigarh, Oct 14 (PTI) Punjab's main oppositionparty AAP today accused the Congress government of "harassing"farmers in the name of stubble burni...
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Chandigarh, Oct 14 (PTI) Punjab's main oppositionparty AAP today accused the Congress government of "harassing"farmers in the name of stubble burning.

The party said it will, on October 16, submit memorandumsto the deputy commissioners at each district in the state toseek stoppage of alleged undue harassment of farmers.

"AAP MLAs and other office bearers will submit memorandumrepresentations to the deputy commissioners concernedthroughout Punjab on Monday for stopping the undue harassmentof farmers by the government in the name of stubble burning,"said party state co-president Aman Arora in a statement here.

A meeting of Aam Aadmi Party MLAs and office bearers washeld in the presence of party state president Bhagwant Mannand co-president Arora here yesterday in this regard.

The issue of alleged harassment of farmers by thegovernment in the name of the National Green Tribunal (NGT)orders on stubble burning was discussed thoroughly, Arorasaid.

He accused the government of failing to perform its dutyand was now "forcing the farmers to save the skin".

"As per the orders of NGT, the para 14 clause 'C' clearlystates that harvesting, transportation and proper utilisationof the crop residue is the primary responsibility of the stategovernment.

"In case, the government is not able to do so then it hasto pay the compensation to the farmers as per the landholding," Arora saidHe said, "The clause 'H' of the same order says that thestate will provide machines, mechanism and equipments tofarmers for the purpose of destroying agricultural residue".

Arora said the AAP was concerned about air pollutioncaused by stubble burning but it should not be an excuse toharass the already indebted farmers of the state.

"Farmers are already committing suicides in the state andthe number of suicides is increasing by the day. Thegovernment must focus on providing relief to the farmersrather than accusing them for its own failure," he said.

The AAP leader also demanded that VAT on diesel andpetrol must be reduced as was done by governments in HimachalPradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat. PTI CHS AQSAQS.

This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Press Trust of India wire.

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