Los Angeles, Oct 14 (PTI) Heavy metal and rock singerMarilyn Manson has described his onstage accident as a"terrifying" experience.
The 48-year-old singer was injured by a large stage propat his Hammerstein Ballroom concert on September 30.
After Manson tried to hold up the podium, it fell uponhim. His band, Heaven Upside Down, kept playing for about 45minutes until they noticed the singer was not getting up.
Speaking about the accident, the rocker said he feared itcould even have crushed his skull and ribs.
"I have some minor bruising in that area, but it took sixguys to pull it off of me. It was like wrestling a giant ironmonster.
"I wasn't trying to climb it. It started to fall and Itried to push back and I didn't get out the way in time. I'mnot sure what I hit my head on, but it did fall onto my legand break the fibula in two places. The pain wasexcruciating," he told Yahoo Music.
Manson, who still has his leg in a cast, said he recentlywatched the video of the onstage disaster.
"I can see how it could look terrifying. It wasterrifying for me, because the truss was not securedproperly," he said. PTI RDSRDS.
This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Press Trust of India wire.