Nitish takes swipe at Cong at PM's function

Patna, Oct 14 (PTI) Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumartoday took a swipe at the Congress, after he saw former stateparty chief Ashok Choudhary at Pr...
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Patna, Oct 14 (PTI) Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumartoday took a swipe at the Congress, after he saw former stateparty chief Ashok Choudhary at Prime Minister Narendra Modi'sprogramme at Patna University.

"You have come to the programme in which the primeminister is on dais. This could lead to the party showingyou the doors," Kumar said in his speech at the centenarycelebration function at Patna University.

Choudhary was present at the function, along with hisparty colleagues and MLCs Dilip Kumar Chaudhary, Tanvir Akhtarand Ramchandra Bharti.

The Congress MLCs were inclined to the Kumar-led JD(U)after the disintegration of the grand alliance of the RJD-JD(U)-Congress in the state.

Choudhary who was education minister in the grandalliance government, described Kumar's comment as "just a jokeby the chief minister".

Choudhary said he was an alumnus of Patna University andhad come to attend its centenary celebration.

He, however, expressed "disappointment" over the primeminister not announcing central university status for PatnaUniversity which was demanded by the chief minister.

"I feel disappointed. The CM had made the demand foraccording central university status to Patna university, butit did not materialise," Choudhary said.

Interim Bihar Congress President Kaukab Kadri alsorefused to see politics in it.

"It reflected his (Kumar) personal relationship with himand no politics should be seen into it," Kadri told PTI.

Choudhary and Kadri factions are locked in intense fightwithin the state Congress after the former was axed as stateparty chief by party president Sonia Gandhi.

Kadri replaced him as interim state chief till a regularstate president is named. PTI SNS SUN PRSMN.

This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Press Trust of India wire.

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