Pak took key step to do more in fight against terror: Pence

By Lalit K Jha            Washington, Oct 14 (PTI) US Vice President Mike Pence haspraised Pakistan in helping secure the release of a...
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By Lalit K Jha            Washington, Oct 14 (PTI) US Vice President Mike Pence haspraised Pakistan in helping secure the release of a Canadian-American family who were abducted by the Haqqani networks fiveyears ago.

American citizen Caitlan Coleman and her Canadian husbandJoshua Boyle along with their three children were rescued fromthe Haqqani network on Thursday after an operation byPakistani forces.

The couple were kidnapped in 2012 in Afghanistan while ona backpacking trip. Their three children were born while thepair was in captivity.

Pence has praised Pakistan in helping secure the releaseof a Canadian-American family.

Pence's comments on Pakistan came as he listed out someof the key achievements of the Trump administration at theinternational stage.

"The President is achieving real results on theinternational stage, as well," he said.

While some critics engage in empty rhetoric and baselessattacks, thanks to the President's leadership, the ISIS is onthe run, North Korea is isolated as never before, and our NATOallies are doing more to pay their fair share for our commondefence, he added.

"Just this week, Pakistan took an important step toanswer the president's call to do more in fight againstterrorism, as they helped secure the release of an Americanfamily that had been held hostage for more than five years,"Pence said.

Meanwhile, Canada welcomed the release of the family.

"Today, we join the Boyle family in rejoicing over thelong-awaited return to Canada of their loved ones," saidGlobal Affairs Canada, a department in the Canadian governmentthat manages Canada's diplomatic and consular relations.

"Canada has been actively engaged on Boyle's case at alllevels, and we will continue to support him and his family nowthat they have returned," it said in a statement.

However, some of the well-known counter terrorismexperts appeared to be sceptical of Pakistan's move given itspast history.

"Pakistan's aid in release of hostages is a classicPakistani move. Pakistan has a history of making high-profilearrests before big meetings," said Bill Roggio, editor of LonWar Journal.

US defence Secretary Jim Mattis is scheduled to visitPakistan soon, followed by a visit of Secretary of State RexTillerson. PTI LKJUZM.

This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Press Trust of India wire.

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