Nagpur, Oct 14 (PTI) Problem tigress in Bor sanctuaryagainst whom shoot orders were issued by the forest departmentafter it killed humans and domestic animals died ofelectrocution in the wee hours of today, a senior forestdepartment official said.
"The tigress was found electrocuted on the boundarywire which was installed by a farmer to protect his crop fromanimals," Principal Chief Conservator of Forest (PCCF) A KMisra told PTI.
The incident took place between 3.30 am to 4 am at afarm in Sindewadi village in Wardha district, said theofficial.
The incident came to the notice of forest departmentofficials at 7 am as the tigress which was being regularlymonitored because of its radio collar displayed a fixedlocation since 3.30 am, he said.
When the forest team reached the spot the tigress wasfound electrocuted, said Mishra.
He further informed that the body of the tigress wasdisposed off as per National Tiger Conservation Authority(NTCA) guidelines and some part of its remains were sent forpost-mortem.
Earlier, on October 12, the Nagpur bench of the BombayHigh Court had upheld an order of the forest department of theMaharashtra government authorising the killing of a tigresswhich has attacked humans and domestic animals. PTI CLSRMT.
This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Press Trust of India wire.