Raj Assembly launches online system for calling attention

noticesJaipur, Oct 14 (PTI) The Rajasthan Assembly hasintroduced an online system for receiving calling attentionnotices and motions for adjournme...
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noticesJaipur, Oct 14 (PTI) The Rajasthan Assembly hasintroduced an online system for receiving calling attentionnotices and motions for adjournment from MLAs and forward themto the state government for desired information.

The Rajasthan Assembly is the first in the country to putin place such a system, Assembly secretary Pritvi Raj said.

Speaker Kailash Meghwal launched the system yesterday.

The system will be functional from the beginning of thenext Assembly session on October 23.

Notice of calling attention, motion for adjournment on amatter of public attention, notice for raising a matter whichis not a point of order, notice for discussion on a matter ofurgent public importance will be accepted online by theassembly, Raj said.

Such proposals, motions will be forwarded to the stategovernment online for desired information and response. PTISDASMN.

This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Press Trust of India wire.

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