TN CM hits out at Stalin for his 'dengue regime' barb

Pudukottai(TN), Oct 14 (PTI) Chief Minister K Palaniswamitoday asserted that the Tamil Nadu government was working fullswing to halt the spread of ...
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Pudukottai(TN), Oct 14 (PTI) Chief Minister K Palaniswamitoday asserted that the Tamil Nadu government was working fullswing to halt the spread of dengue and eradicate it whileaccusing the DMK of seeking to politicise the issue.

The chief minister was responding to DMK workingpresident M K Stalin who had ridiculed the government as a"dengue regime" and alleged inaction on its part to curb itsspread.

Palaniswami said, "He is saying this wantonly in aplanned fashion to denigrate this government."The chief minister said the vector-borne disease would beeradicated with help of the people of the state, and, withoutnaming any party, said, "Many are trying to politicisethis...they have nothing to politicise other than this."In an analogy apparently aimed at the DMK, he said, "ifone were to wear coloured glasses", the sight would onlyreflect that colour.

"Only a plain pair of glasses will allow a realisticvision.. I hope those who criticise will understand."Palaniswami, who was speaking at former chief minister MG Ramachandran's centenary commemoration here, stressed thatthe mosquito eradication plan could be successfullyimplemented only with public participation.

Listing out steps taken by the government to tackledengue, he referred to fogging operations, awareness campaignsto keep environs clean and providing of free 'NilavembuKashayam' (a traditional concoction of neem to fight fever) inpublic places.

"The government is taking all steps and working fullswing to eradicate the dengue fever," the chief minister said.

Yesterday, a five-member central team, deputed to examinethe dengue situation in Tamil Nadu, had termed the 40 deathssince January in the state due to the fever as "minimal" andsaid there was no need to panic.

It said they had been informed by state officials thatthere were 40 deaths out of the 12,000 cases reported sinceJanuary.

Pudukottai is the 19th venue to host the centenarycelebrations of AIADMK founder and former chief minister M GRamachandran. Similar celebrations have already been held in19 other towns in Tamil Nadu. PTI VGN APRBSA.

This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Press Trust of India wire.

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