New Delhi, Oct 14 (PTI) A 50-year-old man from UttarPradesh got a new lease of life today after undergoing atransplant surgery here for a heart harvested from a youthless than half his age.
The organ, retrieved from a 21-year-old brain deadpatient at a hospital in Jaipur was flown to Delhi and thenferried to a private hospital in south Delhi through a greencorridor, the Fortis Escorts Heart Institute (FEHI) said.
The flight, carrying the harvested organ landed at thecity airport at 2.40 pm, it said.
"A green corridor was created which helped cover adistance of 21.3 km in around 30 minutes, primarily due toheavy festival rush on the route," the FEHI said.
The recipient hailed from Muzzafarnagar in Uttar Pradesh.
He suffered from a condition called cardiac ischemia -- aterm given to heart problems caused by narrowed heart arterieswhich prevents adequate blood and oxygen reaching the musclesof the heart, FEHI said. PTI KNDTIR.
This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Press Trust of India wire.