Union minister assures traders of resolving GST related issues

Jammu, Oct 14 (PTI) In an apparent reference to theindustrialists in Jammu who recently threatened to launchagitation over GST incentives, Union mi...
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Jammu, Oct 14 (PTI) In an apparent reference to theindustrialists in Jammu who recently threatened to launchagitation over GST incentives, Union minister Jitendra Singhtoday said anyone having any problem should come forward andbe assured that there will be no injustice or discriminationin Prime Minister Naredra Modi-led NDA government.

"Heard people talking about change in the decision overGoods and Service Tax (GST), I want to assure them that thisgovernment is democratic in nature and if you have any problemcome forward ... we will not hesitate to look into theirissues as there is no issue of prestige," Singh, the Ministerof State in Prime MinisterÂ’s Office, said.

Singh was addressing a function organised in connectionwith the launch of second-phase of Madura promotion campaign.

The first phase of the campaign was launched by Singh inSrinagar on October 5.

On October 12, industrialists in Jammu criticised theCentre for its recently announced incentive scheme under GSTregime, saying "if not revisited, it will serve as a deathknell for majority of nearly 10,000 units in Jammu and Kashmirand render lakhs of people jobless".

They sought intervention of Chief Minister MehboobaMufti and threatened to pour on roads “if the promises made tothem prior to the implementation of the GST regime in thestate were not fulfilled”.

"The most awaited policy of the central government,which was issued through a notification on October 5 underbudgetary support for incentives under GST, is nothing but acrude joke with the industrialists in Jammu and Kashmir.

"It is in fact deniable of incentives," leaders ofFederation of Industries (FOI), an amalgam of variousassociations and industrial fraternity, had said.

Citing the example of a father who brings a new pair ofshoes to his son, the minister said if the shoe pinches hereplaces it with a new pair.

"Under Modi government, there will be no discriminationon creed, caste, religion and regionalism.""This is a democratic government and gone are the dayswhen families were ruling. We have 18 crore youth who will getthe right to vote next year on attaining the age of 18," hesaid.

"We have to come out of the feudal mindset. There is nochance for discrimination under Modiji because he will neverallow it to happen nor will allow anyone to do it," he said.


This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Press Trust of India wire.

The New Indian Express