Oils and Oilseeds: Groundnut oil prices surged in anOils and Oilseeds: Groundnut oil prices surged in anotherwise lacklustre on sustained demand fr...
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Oils and Oilseeds: Groundnut oil prices surged in anOils and Oilseeds: Groundnut oil prices surged in anotherwise lacklustre on sustained demand from stockists andretailers amid festive offtake at the truncated wholesale oilsand oilseeds market week under review.

While, refined palmolein, castorseeds bold, castoroilcommercial and linseed oil ruled steady in absence of anylarge-scale buying activities.

In the edible section, groundnut oil opened higher atRs 880 and later rose to close at Rs 890 from its previousweekend's level of Rs 870 showing a gain of Rs 20 per 10 kg.

Refined palmolein resumed higher at Rs 596 and movedin a range of Rs 595 and Rs 593 before finishing at it's lastweekend's level of Rs 595 per 10 Kg.

Turning to non-edible segment, Castorseeds Bold andCastoroil Commercial too opened higher at Rs 4725 and Rs 975and closed unchanged at last weekend's level of Rs 4715 per100 kg and Rs 973 per 10 kg, respectively.

However, linseed oil opened and closed at its previousweekend's level of Rs 750 per 10kg. (MORE) PTI RDRD.

This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Press Trust of India wire.

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