Selectors want Brasa out

CHENNAI: Soon after skipper Rajpal Si­ngh carped at Indian head co­ach Jose Brasa after India’s exit from the Asian Games, se­­lectors and government observers have launched a
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CHENNAI: Soon after skipper Rajpal Si­ngh carped at Indian head co­ach Jose Brasa after India’s exit from the Asian Games, se­­lectors and government observers have launched a scathing attack on the Spaniard, urging the Hockey India to depose him, and hand over the rein to national coach Harendra Singh. Government observers Zafar Iqbal and Ajitpal Singh, and selectors Balbir Singh and BP Govinda have be­en utmost choleric in their assessment of Brasa’s performance since his appointment in May last year.

In a report submitted to Hockey India, a copy of which is with this newspaper, they have collectively blamed him for India’s mediocre performances. “We seriously doubt his ab­ility as a top coach and feel that he cannot impart them with more meaningful inputs in terms of critical planning and strategy. He can only be useful for the development at grassroots level, particularly in the basic fundamentals,” they reflected.

Not even India’s improved performance at the Commonwealth Games and Asian Gam­es impressed them. “There appears to be no improvement in performance of team since his appointment despite the given opportunities and unprecedented exposure. We have won 19 matches, lost 17 and drawn nine. But most of the wins came against lowly natio­ns while we lost to Germany, Holland, Spain, England and Australia by big margins,” they pointed out.

Moreover, they observed that Brasa has only blackboard knowledge. “The coach must be in a position to demonstrate practically on the field of play and show and guide the players to correct their mistakes besides teaching them new and modern tactics,” they detailed.

They have also alleged him of spurning dissonance within the team. “It is a known fact that on the eve of every tourn­a­­m­ent he has created bad blo­od within the team which has led to disharmony amongst the players. The 2010 World Cup was the perfect example where his off-field interferences broke the team spirit and fanned groupism,” they stated.

According to them, the support staff and senior players are disheartened by Brasa’s ways. “We discussed these matters with the senior players and support staff who also opined that his knowledge is limited with regard to fine-tuning and game planning. A cross section of senior players told us that Brasa has nothing to offer now as he has exhausted his technical knowledge,” they said.

They claimed the support staff was miffed at Brasa’s cold treatment meted out to them.  “He always avoids discussing on issues relating to game plans or strategies with the national and other coaches. He also kee­ps the playing team combinations all to himself which leads to uncertainty am­ongst players. He is even ar­riving late for practice,” they claimed. They recomm­ended Harendra Singh as Brasa’s successor  in the best interest of Indian hockey. Wi­th attacks from all corners ga­­­ining in impetus, Brasa’s days seem numbered.

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