Committee to assess crop damage constituted

HYDERABAD: The agriculture department on Wednesday constituted a panel to suggest proper methodology to be adopted for enumerating crop damage of more than 50 per cent occurring due to natural
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HYDERABAD: The agriculture department on Wednesday constituted a panel to suggest proper methodology to be adopted for enumerating crop damage of more than 50 per cent occurring due to natural calamities.  The committee comprised officials of the agriculture, revenue departments and ANGRAU scientists.

The government, vide GO 878 dated 27 July issued by V Nagi Reddy, principal secretary to agriculture, ordered for constitution of a committee to streamline the enumeration procedure. The officials from the agriculture department will look into the type and different stages of crops that were damaged while ANGRAU scientists will deal with technical suggestions and revenue officials on operational holdings of farmers.

The agriculture commissioner will monitor the functioning of the committee .

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