KURNOOL: Nandyal police have arrested Budda Srinivasa Reddy, a key accused in the murder of YSRC activist Pasupuleti Subbarayudu, along with four others on Thursday. The murder on August 4, allegedly involved TDP leader Budda Srinivasa Reddy and his followers.
During the attack, Subbarayudu’s wife, Balasubbamma, was injured while attempting to resist the assailants. She accused Srinivasa Reddy and his aides of the murder. Based on her complaint, Mahanandi police registered a case against 30 individuals, including Srinivasa Reddy. Police arrested his aides, Koraprolu Bharath Reddy, Shaikh Mujaitullah, Kandula Ramabhupal Reddy, and Dudekula Khasim as well.