GUNTUR; The Guntur district police conducted a cordon and search operation in New Colony near Mirchi Yard under the Nagarampalem police station limits in Guntur city early on Friday. Over 150 police personnel participated in the operation, seizing over 18 vehicles that lacked proper documentation.
Speaking on the occasion, SP Sathish Kumar stated that the district police are taking all necessary actions to ensure peace, maintain law and order, and prevent any illegal activities. Vigilance has been increased on troublemakers, history-sheeters, and suspicious individuals. Stern action will be taken against history-sheeters involved in illegal activities, with the PD Act invoked against habitual offenders.
The SP also interacted with the public, inquiring about the issues in the region, and assured them that vigilance would be increased in remote areas. He directed officials to remain alert, conduct regular visits to the area, and take strict action against those who fail to fulfill their duties with utmost sincerity. Additional SPs and other officials were present.