Andhra Pradesh government agrees to reallocate 122 employees to Telangana

An official order was issued on Tuesday by Pola Bhaskar, Secretary of Government.
CM Chandrababu Naidu
CM Chandrababu NaiduPhoto | Express
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VIJAYAWADA: At the request of the Telangana government, the Andhra Pradesh government has agreed to reallocate 122 employees to Telangana.

An official order was issued on Tuesday by Pola Bhaskar, Secretary of Government.

In January, the Telangana Non-Gazetted Officers (TNGO) association informed the Telangana government that some Telangana state cadre employees had been allocated to Andhra Pradesh against their preferences.

They urged for the reallocation of these employees back to Telangana.

Recently, the Telangana Chief Secretary sent a comprehensive list of 122 Telangana local employees in the Non-Gazetted cadre, expressing the State’s willingness to take them back.

The Andhra Pradesh government was requested to relieve those willing to submit an undertaking to accept postings anywhere in Telangana and assume the last rank in their respective cadres, in accordance with those already employed in Telangana.

The Andhra Pradesh government accepted the proposal and consequently forwarded it to the respective Heads of Departments.

The 122 employees listed must submit the filled-in proforma to the concerned Heads of Departmentswithin one month.

Upon receiving the completed proforma, the eligible employees will be relieved within fifteen days, based on their post category.

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