VIJAYAWADA: Municipal Administration and Urban Development Minister Ponguru Narayana has instructed officials to expedite the approval process for building plans. He held a review on Tuesday at the CDMA office, with officials from various departments responsible for granting building permits, including the Commissioner and Director of Municipal Administration Harinarayanan, IG of Stamps and Registration Department Seshagiri Babu, and officials from the Town Planning, Revenue, Mines, and Fire Departments.
He enquired about the current process of issuing permits and time taken by each department. He emphasised the need to integrate all departments online to streamline the approval process. Now, applicants must apply separately to each department, leading to delays. He suggested implementing steps to reduce these delays.
The Fire Department is required to grant permission for building constructions. The MAUD Minister proposed linking the online permit application system to the Development Permission Management System (DPMS) website, which is already used for industries.
He noted that the Department of Mines must issue permits for large building projects, particularly for digging large pits. He recommended that the procedure used for industrial permits be applied to building construction permits as well.
The meeting also addressed easing land conversion permissions given by revenue authorities, with a plan to consolidate existing policies.